Code sections
To help navigate this complex document here is a list of the sections found in our code.
01. General Procedures
03. Administration and Personnel
06. Council
09. Elections
12. Ordinances
15. Public Finance
18. Business Licenses and Regulations
24. Health and Safety
27. Emergency Management
30. Crimes
39. Alcoholic Beverages
45. Streets, Sidewalks, Public Places
48. Traffic
51. Animals
54. Building Regulations
57. Municipal Property
58. Lands
59. Real Property Disposals
60. Public Utilities
64. Boat Harbor
67. Taxation
72. Subdivisions
90. Zoning
93. Planning Commission
Codes up for review
Below you will find the current proposed changes to Kake's City Codes
Code 24 and 93
24. 20.010-170
Update terms
Throughout the 'Dangerous Buildings' section, the term Public Works Director (PWD) will be replaced with the term Land Planning Commission. All the authority and responsibilities of the PWD will be transferred to the land planning commission.
Delete these sections due to repetition.
Noncompliance Hearing: Notice.
Upon receipt of a report from the director of public works as provided for in Sec. 24.20.050(2), the city council shall give notice to the owner, occupant, mortgagee, lessee, agent, and all other persons having an interest in the building to appear before the council on the date specified in the notice to show cause why the building or structure reported to be a dangerous building should not be repaired, vacated, or demolished in accordance with the statement of particulars set forth in the director of public works' notice provided for in Sec. 24.20.050(2).
Noncompliance Hearing: Findings of the City Council.
The city council shall make written findings of fact from the testimony offered at the hearing as to whether or not the building in question is a dangerous building within the terms of Sec. 24.20.010.
Update pay for the land
planning commission
Members shall serve with compensation, established by the council at (twenty-five dollars) seventy-five dollars per regular meeting (and five dollars per special meeting). Expenses of the land planning commission and its staff are paid as directed by the council.